All About Science Sitemap
Science - AllAboutScience.orgDoes science improve our daily lives? Does it make us consider where life originated in the first place? Find answers here.
AbiogenesisWhat is the origin of the first living cell? Are naturalistic explanations for the origin of life viable?
Abiogenesis VideoWhich came first? Randall Niles examines the chicken and egg paradox related to first life.
Anatomical HomologyWhat is anatomical homology? Does it provide evidence for evolution? Are there any other explanations for anatomical homology?
Anatomical Homology VideoEvidence for common ancestry or a common design? Check out this great clip that covers one of the main arguments for Darwinian Evolution.
Ape to ManCan homologous structures provide sufficient proof of genealogical relationships? What are the facts? Learn more here.
ArchaeopteryxWhat is archaeopteryx? Is it a legitimate transition between reptiles and birds? Check out the facts!
Big Bang TheoryOur universe is thought to have begun as infinitesimally small, infinitely hot, and infinitely dense. Then something happened.
Big Bang Theory VideoStream this short video on the big bang theory. Explore alternatives to our ultimate question of origins. Where did life come from?
Charles DarwinA biographical sketch of the man who altered scientific history.
Charles Darwin VideoWatch this short video clip on Charles Darwin and his infamous theory of evolution. Discover the truth today!
ChiralityWhat is it? Is it a problem for neo-Darwinism? How does chirality stand as a roadblock to origin-of-life research?
Co-optionA popular theory which is often invoked to explain the origin of irreducibly complex systems is the principle of co-option. What is co-option?
Co-option VideoWhat is co-option? Co-option is a proposed solution to the problem of irreducibly complex machines inherent in living cells.
Cosmic Fine TuningIntelligent design is often believed to be a deduction inferred from disciplines of biology. But is there any evidence of design from the field of astronomy?
Cosmic Fine Tuning VideoWhat is it? The fine tuning argument is simply summarized in this new episode by guest Dr. William Lane Craig.
Cosmological ArgumentsThe explanation of the universe’s existence is a timeless, personal, immaterial being of immense power. Why is this?
DNA Double HelixWhat does the digitial code inherent in living things tell us?
DNA Double Helix VideoWatch this awesome video clip of the spinning DNA double helix. Does it point to an act of random evolution or intelligent design? See the process of transcription and translation. You be the judge. What do the experts think?
DNA ReplicationDarwin’s theory rests on the assumption that natural selection could engineer sophisticated machinery. But can it explain the origin of DNA replication?
DNA StructureWe have all seen the classical double-helix structure of DNA. What is special about the structure of DNA? How does the structure of DNA provide evidence for intelligent design?
DNA Structure VideoWhat is the structure? The DNA structure consists of two chainlike molecules (polynucleotides) that twist around each other to form the classic double-helix.
Dark EnergyA precise amount of dark matter holds individual galaxies together, while dark energy forces these galaxies apart from one another at an accelerated rate. How does this demonstrate fine-tuning?
Darwin DayWhat does this day signify? Why is there a celebration? What are we celebrating? Find out the significance of this day.
Darwin Theory of Evolution VideoWhat is Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Four-winged fruit flies, genetic mutation, and morphology as proof for Evolutionary Theory.
Darwin VideoCharles Darwin and a look at the Galapagos Finches, which provide some of the greatest evidence for Natural Selection and the Theory of Evolution.
Darwin's Theory Of EvolutionAn examination of Darwin's claims and how they're standing up to the latest arguments.
Darwin's Theory VideoStream a short video on this theory. See the incredible advances we've made in molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics since Charles Darwin.
Dawkins and Religion VideoRandall Niles looks at Richard Dawkins and the growing argument against parents teaching their children certain religions. When will Christianity be deemed child abuse requiring government intervention?
Dawkins: The Greatest Show on EarthWhat is the evidence Dawkins writes about which compels him to embrace a Darwinian perspective on origins? Find out here.
Dawkins: The Greatest Show on Earth 2Does Dawkins have anything to say concerning the most fundamental challenge to standard materialistic thinking, namely the problem of life’s origin?
Design in NatureIs the design hypothesis nothing more than an illusion as Dawkins states? Find out the facts here.
Endoplasmic ReticulumWhat is the endoplasmic reticulum? What activities does the endoplasmic reticulum regulate? Is it evidence for design?
EvolutionWhy do so many in the science field lend support to the theory? Find out various reasons here.
Evolution 2Why do so many scientists believe in this theory of origins? Find out some reasons here.
Evolution 3What are the facts? Why do so many in the science field believe in evolution? Find out here.
Evolution 4Why do so many in the science field lend support to the theory? Find out various reasons here.
Evolution 5Why do scientists believe? What are the facts? Study this essay that explains why scientists continue to believe in this theory.
Evolution Of ManDiscover the facts about microevolution, natural selection, and speciation – the three major principles of this theory. What is the evidence?
Evolution VideoWhat is the evidence from Embryology. Here's a clip from my buddies at Coldwater Media looking at Animal Embryos as evidence for Evolution.
Evolution of Man VideoWho was Darwin and what are the arguments regarding his theory? What is natural selection and how does it play into what Charles Darwin believed?
Evolution of SexSex is the queen of problems in evolutionary biology. No other natural phenomenon has aroused so much interest. Is sex the product of undirected processes?
Evolution of Sex VideoThe origin and subsequent maintenance of sex and recombination is a phenomena not easily explained by Darwinian evolution. What is the problem?
God Did ItCan you say God did it? Does that conflict with science? Study this interesting article about the term God Did It.
Intelligent DesignWas it all chance or was it all planned? Check out the latest biological evidence.
Intelligent Design VideoWatch this extraordinary video clip of mechanical and biological machines. See the fantastic complexity of life at the molecular level. Does it point to an act of random evolution or design? What do the triple PhD's and experts think about this?
Intelligent Design vs EvolutionLearn the theistic answer and the atheist answer to this debate. The basis of this debate might surprise you. What is it?
Junk DNAIs Intelligent design really a science stopper? In what circumstances could Darwinism discourage the scientific enterprise? How does junk DNA relate to I.D.?
Large Hadron Collider ExperimentWhat is a Hadron? What is a Collider? What is the purpose of this experiment? Learn more here.
Large Hadron Collider Experiment VideoWhat is the The ultimate intent of the LHC? It is to help scientists understand the nature of matter at the moment the cosmos was created.
Many Worlds HypothesisAre there objections, implications, and poor logic involved here? Consider these thoughts by RC Metcalf.
MaterialismHow has materialism impacted culture and society? Is there a supernatural element?
Materialism VideoWhat's invisible? More than you think. Learn from this TED education video.
Mind Over Matter VideoRandall Niles examines the truth that intelligence is always responsible for information. Evolution tells us that Matter is responsible for Mind.
MultiverseAtheists often invoke the multiverse principle in an effort to evade the problems of cosmic fine-tuning. Is the multiverse principle scientific?
New ProteinsWhat is the likelihood of obtaining a specific protein by chance mutation? Does the traditional neo-Darwinian synthesis hold water?
Origin Of LifeThe rise and fall of Spontaneous Generation. Francesco Redi. Louis Pasteur. Charles Darwin and evolutionary theory. The continuing misrepresentation.
Origin Of Life 2What are the latest conjectures regarding the origin of all we see?
Origin Of SpeciesThe core text of evolutionary theory today. What's happened in the last 150 years?
Origin of Life VideoStream this short video clip on the huge question of origins. Do you know what you believe and can you back it up with evidence?
Origin of Species VideoCheck out this incredible video clip of the Lampsilis Mussel. Is there a logical explanation for how evolution could explain the creation of this mussel?
Origin of the Cosmos VideoRandall Niles reviews the two major cosmogonies: 1) Something Did It OR 2) It Did Itself.
RNA WorldWhat functionality does RNA have in common with both DNA and proteins? Did RNA once perform the functions of both?
Richard DawkinsWhat are the main points of the book The God Delusion? Find out through the author's 6 point summary.
SchrodingerIs the cat dead or alive? See how this man’s theory still has relevance in our life today.
ScienceWhat is the connection between science and theology. Can they work together or must they be separate?
Science and FaithIs it simply a matter of worldview? Can faith and science coexist? What's the end conclusion of this journey?
Scientific MethodIt is often overlooked that the scientific method was actually developed by Christian theists, who believed that God had created the Universe. Why is the scientific method so important?
Second Law of ThermodynamicsWhat does scientific law tell us about the nature of our universe?
Second Law of Thermodynamics VideoWatch this awesome video clip on the huge number of perfect settings needed to sustain life on earth. Are these things random happenstance or designed? You decide!
SymbiosisWhat is mutual symbiosis? How did plants that are pollinated by insects develop highly specialized flowers modified to promote pollination by a specific pollinator?
The Cambrian ExplosionThe scarcity of transitional fossils in the precambria is a vexing problem for Darwinism. What caused such an abrupt appearance of major phyla without intermediaries?
The Cambrian Explosion VideoAn abrupt appearance of a wide range of organisms, mainly invertebrates, with hard (fossilizable) parts in Cambrian strata, which mainstream scientists date from about 540 million years ago.
Theory Of RelativityOne of the most significant scientific advances of our time. What is the curved space-time continuum? A brief summary.
Theory Of Relativity VideoWatch this amazing video clip on the incredible number of perfect settings required to sustain life on our planet. Could all of these factors happened by chance?
Who Made God VideoCausation and Infinite Regress. Randall Niles responds to the question, "Who Made God?" with a look at Thomas Aquinas and the necessity for a First Cause.
Who Made God?Who made God? Where did he come from? Did He create Himself? Find out the answers here.